Life Of a Freedom Fighter - Composition

Life Of a Freedom Fighter - Composition

 Bangladesh became independent in 1971 through a long nine months bloody war. Freedom does not come down upon a nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Many heroic sons sacrificed their life to bring freedom and they are called 'freedom fighter', the most common word in the heart of the mass people. The freedom fighters fought for a dream to make a corruption and exploitation free society but their dream is still a far cry. Some of them are leading their life in a miserable condition because their dream has not yet come true. They are not living in the society with dignity and honour. The story of such a freedom fighter is described in short.

Many brave sons of us left their homes in response to the call of homeland. Kador Ali was one of them who took part in several attacks under the command of sector commander Major Monzur. He took part in a bloody battle at kumarkhali. He fought heroically and lost one of his hands.

Kador Ali became unfit to work hard. He had a family consisting of eight members. He was not shown any from any corner. He was not given any financial help so that he could lead his family without hunger. Fortune disfavored him and he started begging. Sometime he was seen to pass night beside the road without having meal. One night he left this unfeeling world where love, sympathy and affection do not exist. This is the true life story of a great son of this land who fought bravely against the enemies and brought independence for us. The nation did not show any dignity and honour but neglect and frustration.

Thus, after a see of blood and lot of sacrifices we achieved our freedom from Pakistan. Today we are proud as an independent and sovereign nation. Our liberation war has gone down to history. But it is a history written down with blood. It is an achievement that is more valuable than our lives. Our liberation war has gone down to history. But it is a history written down with blood. It is an achievement that is more valuable than our lives. Our liberation war is our living memory, our greatest achievement and our pride. It teaches us to rise for any just cause, to bring home our rights, and to stand upright in the world. 

Now the condition is gradually changing. The government is now working for materializing the dreams of the freedom fighters. They should be favored with financial assistance so that they can get dignified life in society. But it is an irony of fate that the great freedom fighter kador Ali could not see the present situation of the state. The freedom fighters are the greatest sons of our land. All should respect them for their honest sacrifices. Effective steps must be taken to honour them during their life time so that no freedom fighters face the destiny of kador Ali, our dearest one.

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