My First Day at School - Story

My First Day at School - Story

 It was a day of my childhood and was the month of January. My father told me that the next day I would have to go with him to the nearest Primary School for my admission there. It was very exciting news for me and I could not sleep well at that night for excitement. Next day I got up very early in the morning and started for school. The school was not very far from our house. So we went there on foot. My father took me to the headmaster's room. My heart beat fast. But his smiling face and gentle words put me at ease. He asked me my name I told him my name. He was pleased with me. He told me that I was a very intelligent boy. Then he pointed to a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I could say them all. The headmaster then called a teacher. He told him to take me to my class. I bade goodbye to my father and with the teacher I entered the classroom. He welcomed me and gave me a seat in the class room. My classmates received me warmly. I felt very happy.

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