The Idle Suffer In Life - Story

 Jamal is an S.S.C. examine. He is not attentive to his lessons specially to English because he is very weak in English. Moreover he is lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. A month ago before his examination he managed a short suggestion of probable question on English. On the day of examination of English he started for the examination hall a bit earlier. He entered the examination hall with a trembling heart. As usual the bell rang at just time. The invigilators gave the scripts and question paper to the students. Jamal took the script and the question paper. He was disappointed to see the question because no question was common to him. He could not answer any question. He began to look at other examines. He also disturbed them. They felt annoyed at his behavior. The invigilators also got annoyed with him. At one stage they took his script and turned out of the examination hall. He realized the result of his laziness.

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