A Garment Worker - Paragraph

 An ordinary garment worker in our country, may be she is Shakina or Rahima, leads very laborious life. Her day starts very early in the morning and ends at about for 10 pm. She starts for her working place at about 7 am. Generally she walks to her factory along with other girls working there. Sometimes she has to get on a crowded public bus to reach her factory. On the way to her destination she is infected with slang words from various corners. She becomes the object of other's pity. She has to tolerate bad comments. It is miserable for her. In the factory she is not in a congenial atmosphere. She works in congested rooms. She has no seat to sit upon. Sometimes she works whole day resting on her feet. She eats the poor lunch with her colleagues in the factory. Almost everyday she takes lunch from her house. She is given a break for half an hour. Within this time she cannot take lunch properly. She likes working in a factory rather than in a household. But long hours of work makes her sick often. She is used to over working. So she gets tired and bored with work. Most of her colleagues are friendly but male colleagues are not. They feel jealous of her independent work, sometimes they try to harass her. Though she works hard for long hours of the day, she has to go to an uncertain future. Now she is about 19 and is frequently haunted by the thought of uncertain future. As tradition goes on, she will get married with a fellow worker and try to continue her poor life.

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