A Wedding Ceremony I Attended - Paragraph

 A few days ago, I had the opportunity to enjoy the feasts and festivities that were provided on the occasion of the marriage ceremony of the daughter of Mr. Rahim one of our rich and respectable neighbors. A big pandal with shamiana above was created. A big and tastefully designed gate was made at the entrance of the pandal. In the evening the big house of Mr. Rahim, the pandal and the gate were illuminated with multi-colored electric bulbs in a manner that made a splendid show. Mr. Rahim invited his friends and relatives to attend the wedding of his daughter. The invited guests began to come in the evening in motor cars. scooters or rickshaws. The bridegroom's party started from Maghbazar at 7 pm. The party proceeded in a motor cavalcade and reached the bride's house at 7.45 pm. Then the bridal guests were given seats with great decorum. The bridegroom had his special seat prepared and decorated for him. About one thousand guests attended the ceremony. A little while later sweet sherbet was served to the guests. After a short time the guests were treated to a sumptuous dinner. Then betel leaf and cigarettes were distributed and the guests went for a relaxation. They left their respective seats and entered upon friendly chats and gossips in small groups. I felt delighted that the occasion gave me an opportunity to meet many at one place and to enjoy a pleasant evening.

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