Information Technology - Composition

 Information technology means developments in communication technology. It has changed the world dramatically. 

It has eliminated the time needed for establishing communication. It touches everyone in everyday life. It is going to change everything we do in everyday life. Its impact is being felt on all walks of life. 

Information technology is the technology that involves in creating, storing, manipulating and communicating information. It is the end product of data processing. Micro-computers have brought about multidimensional disciplines to the information technology. Tremendous development in computer and electronics has brought about tremendous development in the field of information technology. 

Information technology can enhance the economic growth. It has many roles to play in the field of business. It can be used for transaction process, data warehouse, management of information system etc. Its uses are found in multimedia which comprises text, sound, graphics, video and animation. It can also help in reducing poverty and can help improve the productivity of the working poor. 

Through information technology, education can be made enjoyable and life-oriented. In Bangladesh a great part of population is youth. This huge young population can be turned into highly educated and skilled manpower. This can solve the unemployment problem. We need to have a clear, realistic and long-term vision for information technology.

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