Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about insufficient water supply in your locality.

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about insufficient water supply in your locality.

 28 January 2018
The Editor
The Independent

Dear Sir,
I shall be highly glad if you kindly publish the following lines in the columns of your esteemed daily.
Yours faithfully
Aminul Hoque
(On behalf of the inhabitants of Rampura, Dhaka)

                                                        Insufficient Water Supply
We, the inhabitants of Rampura, have been suffering from scarcity of water for a long time. 25 percent water supply has been cut officially in our locality. This has caused a lot of inconvenience. It is summer season and the need for water has become more acute. People need water for drinking, bathing and even for sprinkling. Due to the scarcity of water, many of them can not take their bath daily. They do not get water even to wash their clothes. As a result life has become very miserable. People stand in queues waiting for water from the road side taps. But most of the taps are out of order. There is no other source of getting water.

If necessary measures are not taken immediately, it may cause many diseases. We should therefore, draw the attention of the authority concerned to take some steps to redress our grievances restoring the regular supply of water.

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